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Bohea Black Tea | Boston Tea Party Ships Museum Tin

Bohea Black Tea | Boston Tea Party Ships Museum Tin

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Bohea Black Tea | Boston Tea Party Ships Museum Tin Information

Water Temperature:
Brewing Time:
4 - 5 minutes
Handpicked Chinese black tea

This Chinese black tea was one of the five teas tossed into Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. The three ships raided in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773 contained 340 chests of tea, including 240 chests of Bohea.

Bohea (boo-hee) was the common name for the least expensive tea available from China. Its name comes from a corruption of the name for the Wuyi Mountains, the origin of most of the teas imported by East India Company.

We packaged this tea for the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, where Bruce Richardson, the founder of Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, serves as the tea master.

Add milk if you wish for a breakfast tea experience much like Bostonians might have enjoyed in the 1700s.

According to the FDA, Consuming Just Two Cups of Black or Green Tea Daily Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes.

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