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Online Tea Course: 5 Great Teas of India - Video

Online Tea Course: 5 Great Teas of India - Video

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Online Tea Course: 5 Great Teas of India - Video Information

What gives Indian teas their unique flavors? Bruce will share his photos of tea production in his favorite gardens. You will hear more of the stories he produces for TeaTime magazine and his tea reference book, THE NEW TEA COMPANION: THIRD EDITION.


In this class, students will learn about the three major tea-growing areas of India and the history of the tea trade that began in the 1830s as Britain turned its back on Chinese tea in favor of "home-grown" black tea.

The Five Teas that will be featured come from these award-winning gardens are:

  • Darjeeling First Flush Soom Garden TGFOP1
  • Darjeeling Autumnal Margaret's Hope Garden SFTGFOP1
  • Assam Dinjoye Garden GFOP
  • Assam Dinjohye Garden Extra Tippy FTGFOP1
  • Nilgiri Tea Studio Small Batch

Buy the optional tasting kit.

This 90-minute class recording was made on March 28, 2023. A link will be sent after purchase.